Introducing Ron & Linda, The Medicine People, Florida, USA

Introducing Ron & Linda, The Medicine People, Florida, USA

At Sweet Cures we are exceptionally lucky to work with like-minded professionals from all over the world. In this mini-series we introduce some of the people behind the companies we work with, to understand more about what they do, why they do it, and to highlight some of the other services these companies offer, which may be of interest to you.

In our first episode we’d like to introduce to you Ron and Linda who have run a company called the Medicine People in Florida in the United States of America.

Ron and Linda also run an e-commerce site which customers located in the United States can currently order Waterfall D-Mannose, to receive the quickest delivery times for the USA and exceptional service you’d expect from a Sweet Cures approved retailer 1-Natural / 800 956 8633).

To get a better understanding of what Ron and Linda offer, we invited them to answer the following questions,

Who are the Medicine People? – What are your backgrounds / qualifications?

Linda Huxtable worked with natural healing for over thirty years, owning and operating a large, innovative integrated clinic which provided healthcare services and product to hundreds of patients prior to retirement and moving to Florida.

Linda's work is well recognised, and has worked with many experts while studying and researching

  • Yale University
  • Clayton School of Natural Healing
  • The Rolf Institute
  • Great Lakes College of Complementary Medicine (GLCCM)
  • American Academy of Neural Therapy (Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt)
  • German ND Andreas Marx (biological medicine)
  • Dr. Gunter Enderlein (isopathic and homeopathic principles)
  • Upledger Institute (Osteopathic Techniques), Dr. Jean Pierre Barral
  • Visceral (organ) Manipulation

We participate in conferences and workshops that keep us current in this fast changing field, A4M (American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) conferences being one of our favourites.

Most of what we do is centred around nutritional coaching: Linda offers initial phone consults to determine how she might help. Based on the phone call and a Health Assessment Questionnaire, she usually follows up with another conversation, and recommendations.

Linda brings her extensive training and experience to an integrated system that usually includes nutrition and energy medicine. The synergistic effect is enhanced by her sincere and compassionate consideration of the whole person. The client’s body, mind, and spirit are all addressed in developing individualized plans.

Linda takes time to develop a loving, caring relationship with each client. One of her primary goals is to assist the client in defining, confronting, and alleviating problems that may exist. Through her coaching, clients are given the support to assume responsibility for their own health, and guidance from Linda to help make choices which will result in optimum vitality and well-being. Relationships with professional grade suppliers like Xymogen, Quicksilver, Metagenics, Friedlander, Guna, Sovereign Laboratories, Rhein Labs, Spectracell and several others make it possible to recommend the best options available for your health - and Linda is constantly doing research to make sure she's recommending the very best!

We've been involved in a great deal the past 24 months, the most exciting being the birth of The "KetoClean Lifestyle"! Read on and learn how important it can be to you and your loved ones - it's a new program based on old science you'll want to learn about.

Our latest news is Linda's Certification for Apeiron Epigenetics coaching - an exciting complementary science gaining tremendous attention in the healthcare world! Check it out at!

How & why did the Medicine People start?

Linda owned several holistic clinics prior to an early retirement in 2000. Patients ‘followed her’, and healing is her passion, so we eventually found ourselves ‘back in business’ purely by word-of-mouth references.

What services do the Medicine People offer?

The Medicine People offer lab tests, consulting services, a complete line of natural supplements, energy healing devices, a complete proven lifestyle program, and a proven eating lifestyle online course.

In what locations do you offer these services? Can clients outside of the US contact you?

90% of our clients are remote – relationships are primarily handled with email, Zoom, or telephone. Our patients live across the U.S., and Internationally.

What is a KetoClean Lifestyle? And where can I find more information?

KetoClean Lifestyle is a program developed by Linda from almost 40 years of experience. Details can be found on

Is a whole-body approach to healing in your opinion important?


Why do you sell Sweet Cures products?

Based on quality of and success with their products, as well as quality of customer support for several years.

How has Florida been impacted by COVID 19, and he you noticed any changes with the type or number of people contacting you?

Florida has been affected, but differently in a positive way thanks to our Governor. Numbers contacting us have grown significantly. Many more people now care about their immune system, and we have the experience and means to help them.

Since COVID 19, have you had to change how your business operates / how clients interact with you?

Not much, since such a large percentage were already remote, so most interaction is via Zoom, Skype, telephone and/or email.

It’s a shame we’ve not been able to create this article in person with you, is there anything you’re looking forward to when COVID restrictions are fully lifted?

Return to life as we used to know it.

Sweet Cures has worked with Ron and Linda for several years. Over the course of 2021, we’re excited to share further plans, as well as supporting them to provide the United States with the full range of Sweet Cures products.

For any further information on the above article, please feel free to contact us on the following details:

Further Information

Sweet Cures Contact:

Dave Smith – Design and Marketing Director

Sweet Cures (International Site)

01904 789559

Medicine People Contact:

Linda Huxtable – The Head Coach

Ron Huxtable – Co Founder & Partner

The Medicine People (Florida, USA)


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The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice or care. Always consult your GP or healthcare professional before starting any supplements, treatments, or remedies. Remember, food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.